Below is a collection of support resources family members, friends, and other caregivers of people dealing with mental health symptoms or related experiences.
updated September 2024
Below is a collection of support resources family members, friends, and other caregivers of people dealing with mental health symptoms or related experiences.
updated September 2024
Need help figuring out which family support option would work best for you? Looking for more family support options beyond what is listed? Reach out to our Compass Helpline! Compass keeps an far-reaching list of family support groups and education programs. The Compass Helpline is available Monday through Friday, 10 am to 6 pm. Call us at 617-704-6264, email us at, or schedule a call with us.
NAMI Family Support groups are free support groups for family members, friends, and other caregivers of people dealing with mental health symptoms. Groups are led by NAMI-trained facilitators and provide a safe, private, and non-judgmental setting.
NAMI Basics is a free class for parents and caregivers of children and adolescents living with emotional and behavioral issues. Participants will learn communication tips, how to problem-solve, and the skills to help you cope with the emotional impact of caring for your child.
NAMI Basics is also available online, on demand. NAMI Basics OnDemand is a free, 6-module course. It covers the same material as the in-person NAMI Basics classes. The Connect & Share option in NAMI Basics OnDemand offers parents and caregivers the opportunity to share stories, support, and interact with each other in an online setting.
NAMI Family-to-Family is a free 8-week class for family members, friends, and other caregivers of people dealing with mental health symptoms or related experiences. It covers communication techniques, coping skills, treatment options, and more.
NAMI Homefront Online is a free, 6-session program for family members and other caregivers of current and former military service members who are dealing with mental health symptoms or related experiences. It is designed to address the unique needs of caregivers of those who have military service experience.
Family Support Programs offer support groups, one-to-one support, and more for family members of children and teens dealing with emotional or behavioral challenges.