Your Voice Matters. You can make a change in your local community by being an advocate for mental health awareness in Massachusetts. Contacting your elected official is a powerful action in ensuring you voice is heard. Policy change is one major way we can make a difference in the lives of people dealing with mental health symptoms and their families.
Find Your Legislators

Find Your Elected Official
Find your senate and house member including their contact information, district, legislative bills introduced (sponsored and cosponsored), committees.
Your Legislator's contact information
When you click the link of your legislator’s name, at the top of the page you will see their photo, State House address and district office information.
Your Legislator's bills
By default, your legislator’s page will open on the Bills tab, showing the bills s/he has sponsored.
To see what bills they are co-sponsoring (i.e. have signed on to indicate their support and how they will vote), click on the “Cosponsored” tab
Your Legislator's Committees
The second tab under your legislator is “Committees”. Click on that to see what committees they are assigned to.
In order to understand the role your legislator has on the committee (Chair, co-Chair or member), click on the committee. This will also show you all the other legislators assigned to that committee and the bills assigned to the committee.