The Allies for Student Mental Health is a professional development program that provides teachers, leaders, and school staff with the information and resources they need to support the mental health needs of their students. Participants will learn how to work as allies to identify and understand the effects of mental health conditions and trauma, which can have a significant impact on students’ academic success and overall well-being.

Allies for Student Mental Health is presented by four speakers with unique perspectives and expertise:
- Individual Perspective: A young adult diagnosed with a mental health condition will speak about his/her lived experience, with an emphasis on his/her experiences in school.
- Clinical Perspective: A clinician, school nurse, or other medical professional will provide information about the prevalence of common mental health conditions facing children and adolescents. The speaker will then describe the signs educators should be on the lookout for. Additionally, information will be provided about trauma and the impact on students.
- Educator Perspective: A teacher will offer ways to support student mental health within the classroom and school. The speaker will provide strategies, accommodations, and supports that teachers can use right away.
- Family Perspective: A parent will share the struggles and successes that his/her child experienced in schools and will provide tips for communicating with families.
This two-hour training was designed by NAMI Massachusetts and is available for any K-12 school in the state.
Download an Allies for Student Mental Health brochure (pdf). Contact Courtney Campbell for more information or to schedule a training:

Volunteer with Allies for Student Mental Health
Allies for Student Mental Health (ASMH) is presented by a panel of four trained speakers sharing from the perspectives of a young adult, clinician, educator, and parent. Apply to become an ASMH presenter by completing our online application form, available here.
If you have questions or need more information, please contact Courtney Campbell at
Looking for resources related to children or education?
You can also contact our Compass Helpline at NAMI Massachusetts. Compass provides information, ideas, resources, and support to help people navigate the complex mental health system and related systems of care. Learn more about Compass.
Contact us for more information about Allies for Student Mental Health:
Courtney Campbell
Program Coordinator, Community Education & Outreach