
Resources to help you find and keep housing.

cartoon image of a series of apartment buildings and houses
Finding Home: A Guide To Help You Find Housing (and keep it too!)

Finding rental housing is a big task. Our Finding Home guide was created to help you through your housing search! In this guide you’ll find information about your housing options and where to look, handouts to help you keep track of your search, and tips from people who have experience with a housing search.

Check out the Finding Home guide!

Mass 2-1-1

Mass 2-1-1 is an information and referral service that specializes in is helping people meet their basic needs, like find emergency shelter and transitional housing programs.

Need more help with housing?

Contact the NAMI Mass COMPASS Helpline. COMPASS is available Monday through Friday, 10 am – 6 pm. Call us at 617-704-6264 or email us at compass@namimass.org.

Learn more about the NAMI Mass COMPASS Helpline.