We Are Hiring Compass Navigator (20-25 hours/week) by NAMI Massachusetts. Learn more at www.namimass.org/jobs.
We Are Hiring - Development Coordinator. Visit namimass.org/jobs to learn more and apply.
Virtual NAMI Basics Class: Friday Mornings July 26 to August 30
he image is a promotional graphic for NAMIWalks Massachusetts 2024. It features a blue and green gradient background. The main text at the top of the image includes the "NAMI Walks Massachusetts" logo with a blue circular emblem and the word "Walks" in green. The word "WALK" is prominently displayed across the center of the image in large, capital letters, with each letter filled with a different photograph of event participants. The letter 'W' shows a group posing under a tree, 'A' contains an image of people cheering, 'L' presents small groups in conversation, and 'K' depicts participants walking. Above the word "WALK," the phrase "THANK YOU" is arched in blue text. At the bottom in blue text, a message reads: "Thank you for attending our NAMIWalks 2024! Please keep fundraising until July 20th to help us reach our goal of $550,000!"
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Development Coordinator Graphic
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